Tuesday 15 September 2020

Where to Begin?

It's always great to have the welcome-back Skype, it feels like I can give myself permission to really begin. Amazingly I am commencing Module Three it feels exciting to finally get my research project going.

In the Skype on Friday a Module One students asked; what starts on Monday 14th? I remember feeling exactly the same way:
Where is the beginning? How will I know what to do? When does the learning begin?

And now (feeling like a veteran) I can say with confidence - The learning never stops!

This beginning is just the tilting of your view-point, turning to look reflectively at who and what you are, both professionally and personally. Allowing time to engage with new ideas as well as reengaging with old embedded knowledge.
I have read a few of the new blogs since Friday and yes, lets all blog more, engage more and use the time and space (we have gifted ourselves) to get the most out of this wonderful experience.
It feels good to be back!

P.S - I'm sorry but I missed the name of the Module One student, I'm sure we'll get to know each other soon.


  1. Stella, Thank you for your reflection on the Friday Skype session! I attended the Saturday session and it's good to hear experiences from both, as the questions and conversations that arise always are a bit different. Yes, I agree that now as I enter Module 3, I am finding more comfort in the discomfort and there is more desire to continue learning. There is never an end -- just a deadline. Cheers to the last term!

  2. Absolutely, Stella, great post. I very much relate to the security of knowing 'what' I'm supposed to be doing and 'when' it needs to be done by, but the more we're able to embrace the questioning, exploring and discovery, the richer this process is. Looking forward to hearing about your inquiry as we go along.

  3. Hi Stella, it was a great to connect again with the MAPP group on the Friday welcome skype. As I start module two, I agree that the learning never stops and its a great mindset to have throughout this whole process. Embrace everything around you and appreciate the value of all your experiences. Best of luck Stella for the term ahead!

  4. Hello Stella,
    I'm just starting module one, but it really helps to hear your thoughts about starting out on this course. I totally agree, we never stop learning, but that is something I have only just realised! I've been trying to think of what I have done over the past few years and as if by magic, you realise that actually I have learned so much. Experience is everything!
    Cant wait to have more discussions!
