Sunday 27 September 2020

What a week!

This week I began the data collection for my research inquiry project with three workshops exploring improvisation and how it relates to play, empathy and kindness.
Over the last two years I have been privileged to work with a group of mature dancers. Like most people we have worked hard to find ways to connect physically and emotionally through lockdown, embracing both the restrictions and freedoms granted by working across the internet.

However, very excitingly my research workshops were all site-specific. We danced in the park, the woods and on a huge sunny beach! The combination of freedom of space, freedom of movement and mental freedom transformed the experience into something quite unique and frankly glorious.

I am writing this looking out of my window with the wind battering the trees and the grey clouds deepening in colour as they threaten more rain. It seems crazy that earlier this week we danced in the sun-shine, our movements flowing in and out of the sea and entwining with the trees - Wow, how we played!

Although I know I am collecting data for my research project, I am aware it is really important to be completely present in the moment, sharing the experience with my peers. Not just for the honesty required to investigate my inquiry question, but because of the world we are in, here and now. Who knows where we are heading and what future restrictions are coming our way. When life is challenging it is always important to seize every moment of joy!

Thank you Iris for calling us to arms in your blog 'A REVOLUTIONARY SUMMER PART I - JOY. I wanted to share my experience of joy, made possible through the learning processes of this extraordinary degree. I am continually surprised by the unexpected pleasures it brings me.

Iris' Blog:


  1. Hi Stella - Thank you for sharing. Yes, I agree it is paramount now more than ever to find joy and remember why we do what we do. I too began data collection this past week, and reached out to various dance educators and administrators across the U.S. for interviews. I was nervous to see if I would get any responses at all, but here I am checking my emails this morning and the responses are trickling in! I am relieved and excited to begin. One silver lining to come out of this COVID era is that strangers from far far away are able to (and more willing to) connect in the name of dance and the arts in this virtual platform. Cheers to improvising our way through it all!

  2. Hi Simon - It's exciting getting started isn't it - especially when it begins to go to plan - Hooray - Onwards and upwards!
