Thursday 20 February 2020

The Power of Pina

I understanding from the handbook that the bases of a good, strong research project is grounding myself in a 'theoretical framework' a structure to build my research questions and methods on.

Recently I have come to understand (through feedback from my supervisor), that my actual understanding of who I am is in flux; my philosophical framework, my practice, my ethics, my lived experience - has all shifted and I have been trying to base my understanding on things 'I used to be sure of'

So before I moved on with module two - placing myself in a theoretical framework for my research, I thought I better go back, right to the beginning, and rediscover what is and what isn't important/relevant/interesting/necessary to both my practice and who I am.

I have spent the last few weeks revisiting writers, artists dancers, films and friends, who have had an influence on me - Frankly it has been a joy!

My journey culminated last Friday night at Sadler's Wells with a performance of Pina Bauch's 'Bluebeard'.

I have always loved Bauch's work and wondered whether time and my recent reflections would change my experience of it.
When I dance I understand through my embodied experience the power and necessity of the connections we make. Through dance I feel what is to be understood.
When watching dance, I have often wondered at the disconnect between dancer and audience, there is a pleasure in the experience but it is less visceral, diminished somehow.
Pina's work always enters my understanding through my emotional experience of it, I feel no need to analyse it, dissecting it for meaning, the meaning is the experience, undiminished. 

It was a great way to draw to a close my exploration of 'me' and begin my exploration of my research; it's methods and frameworks.
I have a little catching-up to do, but all research is good research and will lead me somewhere I'm sure.

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